the Spirit Watch

  The Spiritwatch INFOLine Recorded Message Line

(423) 559-8195 ~ 24 Hours/7 Days A Week

The phone ministry is a simple to understand concept. It involves the preparation of prerecorded messages on a variety of subjects relevant to the spiritual needs of callers and advertised locally. They can involve anything from "Dial A Prayer" services to updates on Billy Graham crusades.  

Spiritwatch Ministries has operated the INFOLine concerning local cultic activity since 1993, and we have had well over 15,000 calls up until 2002.  The lines have been down for the past three years due to technical and manning difficulties but are now being reactivated in April, 2005. 

We are reactivating these lines for three reasons which also answer the question as to why recorded message lines are still relevant in our Internet dominated age:

1. There are still hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of people who still do not own computers (and may never), and who still are in dire need of getting balanced information on the dangers that cult groups still pose to many in our area. 

2. Making a phone call to get information on these groups is a lot quicker than surfing through the Internet.

3. For many people still bound in abusive religious organizations, access to computers is often denied or strictly controlled, and a phone call is still the first step to freedom for them. 

We at Spiritwatch Ministries are recommitting ourselves to providing that kind of information and assistance with these problems. If you need information fast on the dangers of cultism, religious abuse and other similar issues, we can help! Call our fully computerized voice messaging system with the following available titles!

Callers may avail themselves of multiple accesses to different messages on the system by using the keys of a touch tone phone in a single call. and provide free information for every caller that asks. These involve free mailouts of literature, Bibles, and personal counselling (always kept in the strictest confidentiality).

Call and press 704 to leave a message for us! We will return all calls promptly.


All Personal Contacts Kept In The Strictest Confidence

100 series - Messages on the Watchtower Society:

101 - What Jehovah's Witnesses Won't Tell You At The Door

102 - Changing Truths of the Watchtower

103 - New Light On 1914 Prophecy

104 - Disfellowshipping And Jehovah's Witnesses

105 - Jehovah's Witnesses And "The Truth"

106 - Does God Need A Visible Organization?

200 series - Messages on the Mormon Church:

201 - What The Mormon Missionaries Won't Tell You At The Door

204 - The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ?

206 - The Secret History Of Mormonism

300 series - The New Age Movement and the Occult

Planned messages to provide information on the advances of New Age and occultic influences in our society and what to do to respond to them. Planned in the Spring of 2005.

400 series - Religious Abuse and Mind Control

401 - That Old Time Deception: Religious Abuse And Mind Control

402 - How To Spot Religious Abuse

403 - Cult Mind Control

404 - 10 Marks of Cult Mind Control

405 - Religious Abuse Recovery

600 series - Cults And Other Questionable Groups

601 - The Contemporary Cult Problem

602 - Christianity And Cults: A Study In Contrasts

603 - Protecting Yourself From Cults

604 - False Prophets At Your Door

605 - Helping Loved Ones In Cults

606 - Message prompts for 607 - 611

611 - The Boston Church of Christ Movement

666 - Halloween - Treat Or Trick?

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